Second Term Accomplishments

We accomplished a lot in the last 3 years. Below are some highlights.

1. Negotiated another record-setting contract.

We negotiated a contract that not only provided a solid wage increase, but also increased funding for the apprenticeship by 25%, increased the annuity percentage for the first time since 2015, and got everyone working under the contract health insurance for the first time since I’ve been a member.

2. Added benefits to the Health Plan.

In the last three years we added many benefits to the health plan including dental, vision, hearing, free telehealth, patient advocacy, and gene therapy.

3. Expanded and improved the apprenticeship.

Not only did we double the size of the apprenticeship, we also reduced the years to turn out from 5 to 4

4. Improved conditions for low-voltage workers.

We negotiated a Teledata that, in addition to wage increases and paid time off, provided a defined pathway for advancement.

5. Became a major force in politics.

We ran a strong lobbying program at the State Capital to protect prevailing wage, our apprenticeship, and our license. We also produced the first report card on the Texas Legislature so the we can hold them accountable.

6. Created a Volunteer Organizing Committee.

We have members regularly going on job sites and talking to non-union workers, gaining valuable experience while they grow the Local. They are going to make one hell of a salt team.

7. Settled a Department of Labor case to end the use of temporary agency workers in low-voltage.

We will fight the use of temporary agency workers by our signatory contractors tooth and nail.

8. Settled several Department of Labor cases with education.

We as a union represent foremen too. In order to settle several unfair labor practices, a contractor gave me access to all of their foremen. I made a presentation on common unfair labor practices, weingarten rights, and the role of the steward. Hopefully a little education will help conditions on the job and keep our brothers out of trouble.

9. Handled over 50 grievances in 2023 to the benefit of the member.