About me.

I joined the Local 520 Apprenticeship in 2007, green as a dollar bill. The brothers I met, and the instructors and Journeymen who mentored me showed me what it meant to be a professional craftsman. I loved it.

After winning the 7th District apprentice competition I took on more leadership roles in my Union. I served as Vice President, Second-year apprentice instructor, Chairman of the COPE Committee, Registrar, and Recording Secretary at the same time that I was running jobs as a Foreman for T. Morales.

A group of dedicated 520 members and myself had been working through the COPE committee to try to make the Local better. In 2018, we decided to take control of it. I ran for Business Manager and won.

Serving as Business Manager has been the biggest challenge of my life. I am particularly proud of our two successful negotiations, our fight to keep temporary agency workers out of our jurisdiction, and our handling of the Pandemic, and of the amazing team I have assembled.

When I’m not working for y’all, I like to enjoy live music, cold beer, and spending time with my family.